Friday, April 10, 2009

Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Review

"Riddick surprises but stumbles on his face"

Riddick isn't for everyone as if you've played Escape from Butcher Bay then your not missing anything. Riddick's new adventure Assault on Dark Athena tries to do way too much as well as improve on Escape from Butcher Bay's faults. The storyline is mediocre and Riddick feels like a medicore shooter with very little to keep you from getting bored of the same old gameplay mechanics.

Vin Diesel reprises his Riddick role very well but the game itself suffers from some poor performance on the PC and the very dumb AI really makes this game feel less than desirable. The settings throughout the game feel out of place and bunched together in sequence at the last minute which I found very odd and disturbing given the extra development time starbreeze had while aquiring a new publisher. Given that this is a sequel to Escape From Butcher Bay I could not get into the new storyline at all. The Gameplay of shoot, stealth, hand to hand combat and control other objects felt very mediocre and uninspired.

Not much to say about this other than pick this game up if you haven't experienced Escape From Butcher Bay otherwise leave it on the shelf . PC Version has DRM and it's a 3 separate machine Install limit NON - REVOCABLE online authentication using securom.

Review Score: 2.5/5 rating

Pros: Riddick is back and more lethal than ever.

Cons: Dumb AI, performance issues, Combat system feels mediocre and setting feel out of place

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